Contact Us.

If you have a question about your order, a query about one of our products or a general enquiry you can’t find the answer to on our FAQs page, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re here to help.

Check our FAQs

Customer Service

If you would like to speak to a specific store all contact details are available on our showroom listing page.

I would like an update on an existing order

Product delivery times are shown next to each item at the point of order. If you would like an update on the progress of your order please email Invariably we need to contact our suppliers, many of whom are in Europe. Please bear with us as it might take 24-48 hours to get an update for you.


If you would like to return your order please click here to see detailed returns information. If you still have questions about returns, or about an order that you have already returned, please email

I would like to place an order over the phone

Please complete the form on the left hand side of this page and include the items you would like, quantities and the delivery address. We can then call you back with pricing and the answers to any questions that you might have. We can then process your order and take payment over the phone.

Product information

Please complete the form on the left hand side of this page with any questions that you might have regarding our products. This allows us to fully investigate your query and ensure that you have the correct information, in writing, to avoid any purchasing mistakes.

Other customer service questions

If you have further questions or would like to speak to one of our team in Ludlow please email or call 020 7602 5757 and select option 4


For information about trade orders and enquiries, contact our Trade team, available Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm.
0207602 5757 - option 1



Accounts & Finance

Head Office & Warehouse Address

Holloways of Ludlow, Unit 4, Coder Road, Ludlow, SY8 1XE view on a map

Here to help

We're here to help. If you have any questions or concerns about products, delivery and returns, or wish to check the status of an order please complete the form below. This is the best way to get fast, accurate and up to date information; we monitor and respond to forms received from 8am to 10pm, 7 days per week.