Shop with Confidence at Holloways of Ludlow
The Wall Shelving Set Triple is one of the most popular models from MOEBE's versatile Shelving System collection. Made entirely from individual components, you decide how and where the shelving system fits into your home. Comprising three shelving bays, the Triple features steel legs, sturdy shelves and a wedge construction system that allows for customisable, easy and quick assembly without the need for tools. The shelves can be attached at any height of your choosing, while the legs can be independently adjusted to pivot and change the direction of your system to wrap around corners or create space divisions. Add the Wall shelving set triple to your living space or home office for a stylish, customisable and contemporary storage solution. Available in five sizes and a number of different colour variants. More are available on request. Please email contact sales@hollowaysofludlow.com for more details.